I have always wondered how players during their free soccer drills use their head to change the direction of the ball while it’s traveling in air. Let me show you some drill that highlight the movements involved in properly heading the ball.
It’s really important to teach the players during Soccer coaching classes to time their head movement when the ball arrives. While striking the ball, the head must be brought forward.
1.Head out of hands: Some cones and one ball are given per player during this drill. Before knocking the ball out by heading it, the players have to hold the ball in their hands. The players can only move the head towards the ball and not vice versa. The ball should be fixed, and they can move their head only.
The cones are setup as identification mark and the players are instructed to head the ball to those areas. This methodology teaches the correct technique and increases the effectiveness for using the head to redirect the ball.
2.Heading while standing: For this drill we need two players and one ball. The ball should be thrown directly by one player to another player. Then have the player use the same head and body movements to pass the ball back to the first player who threw the ball.
The trainer should emphasize during soccer exercises to the player to practice to move his head back and should continue to go forward while striking the ball. The main objective of this drill to teach the player’s the technique to redirect the ball using their head.
3.Life and Head: This drill requires numerous balls, two lines of players, a goal, and a goalkeeper. Divide all players into two groups, lined up on each side of the goal. The balls are handed down exclusively to one group of players. A person in the group having access to the ball rolls and lifts the ball towards the center of the playing field in front of the goalkeeper.
A player from the opponent team heads the ball towards the goals by coming forward. The ball is blocked by the opposing goal keeper from entering his goal. The above activities should be part of the free soccer drills so that the players are trained to run towards the ball while subdued adjustments are made for the location. The players will learn to head the ball while running.
4.Heading with 4 players: For this soccer practice we need 4 players and 1 ball during this drill. The player having the ball is flanked by two players on the left and right respectively facing that person.
The ball is thrown by the player having the ball to either of the person so that he will head the ball to the third player. This drill amplifies the movement of the body and develops the timing to redirect the ball at a 90 degree angle.
The free soccer drills that emphasize on the actual game heading, direction and timing and allows the players to move and field the live balls should be included.
If you want more information and knowledge please subscribe to our youth soccer coaching community where a lot of learning resources are available.
Andre Botelho is an expert in How to coach soccer. He influences over 35,000 youth coaches each year with his coaching philosophy, and makes it easy to explode your players' skills and make training fun in record time. Download your free Soccer Coaching guide at: Soccer Drills.
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