Sunday, May 9, 2010

Coaching High School Soccer: Secrets Revealed

It is required of both the coach as well as the player in coaching high school soccer to deliver their skills under immense pressure of the game. You are solely responsible to prepare your players in an exciting, challenging and an empathetic way by making sure they have clarity on all aspects of the game.

One of the most effective methods of defining each player’s roles and responsibilities is to make job descriptions for each player within the predetermined plan. With the help of job descriptions, coaches get the chance to find out the mismatches between a player’s talents and requirements of his role.

Following are some tips relating to soccer coaching that can really help you create a suitable environment for players to learn the game fast.

1. Prepare a job description: Compare the demands of the job with the player’s skills to identify the things he/ she must practice to play his role better.

2. Review the player: Discover the strengths and weak points of all the players individually. Take into consideration the job requirements and match them with the player’s abilities to handle it emotionally, mentally, physically, as well as technically.

3. Set up relevant practice: Besides those skills common to all, figure out the skills that each player in the team should learn to carry out his role effectively.

4. Rate practice and success equally: In football coaching, emphasize the value of training in getting successful by creating an atmosphere of accomplishment in training programs.

5. Be careful when criticizing players: Coaching high school soccer is aimed at reducing the errors of players by highlighting them. Also make sure that it is encouraging and helpful. It should encourage them to handle their mistakes as a part of the overall learning process.

6. Hindrances should be treated as part of learning: The coach should maintain his composer at all times and try to eliminate errors in the learning process. Therefore, issues such as these help us in preparing for the future.

7. Make the players responsible: While coaching youth soccer, sharing of responsibility helps the player bond with the team. The coach must motivate the players to bring out their views.

8. Exercise best practice models: Players tend to learn faster and easier when they have a role model to follow. It is a good idea to make them watch the videos of a great player so that they can learn from it.

9. Reward improvement: Identify the players doing the right things and reward every small progress. This will inspire the players to keep repeating their good performances all the time.

10. Evaluate progress: Players should know where they are progressing and which areas still need more practice. It is up to them to keep themselves inspired.

In conclusion, the process of establishing role clarity, acceptance, and accountability in coaching high school soccer can only evolve by the coach and player working together.

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Andre Botelho is an expert in Coaching high school soccer. He influences over 35,000 youth coaches each year with his coaching philosophy, and makes it easy to explode your players' skills and make training fun in record time. Download your free Coaching Youth Soccer guide at: Soccer Coaching.

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